question no.1
After scoring a very quick hundred in the 8th World Cup in South Africa, he went on to claim 17 wickets in a single first class match the next year। Who?
question no.2
Which two players were involved in the black arm-band protest against what they called the "death of democracy"?
question no.3
Which Namibian who took 5 wickets against England, played in the Rugby World Cup held in the same year?
question no.4
Who is Rickey Ponting shaking hands with? ( refer picture on top)
question no.5
Who took the highest number of wickets to set up a new World Cup Record? How many?
2. Andy Flower and Henry Olonga
3. Rudolph Janse van Vuuren
4. Dazzle the Zebra
5.Chaminda Vaas - 23
Hi sir,
This is Prateek from New Delhi.
If interested, u can also join my SportsQuiz Group at - www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sportsquiz
Good Quiz -
My tries:
1. JohnDavidson (Canada)
2. Henry Olonga and Andy Flower
3. Ruud Van Nuuren (I suppose the spelling wud be wrong)
4. Thats the mascot of the 2003 World Cup, Dazzler the Zebra
5. Chamuinda Vaas with I think 23 wickets was the trop wicket taker.
1. John Davison
2. Olonga and Andy Flower
3. Rudi van vuuren
4. Dazzle the mascot
5. Vaas- 23
1. John Davison
2. Henry Olonga and Andrew Flower
4. Dazzle the Zebra
Oh how many.... not sure.... its either 22 or 23... Lee and Vaas were the top 2 wicket takers.
1. John Davison
2. Andy Flower and Henry Olonga
3. Rudolph Janse Van Vuuren
4. Dazzle the Zebra
5. Chaminda Vaas-23
No more quizzes ? :-(
I love how scared he looks at Dazzle
1. JohnDavidson (Canada)
2. Andy Flower and Henry Olonga
3. Rudolph Janse van Vuuren
4. Dazzle the Zebra
5. Vaas- 23
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