cricket quiz # 11Q.1 Identify the lady on your left. (yes, it's still a cricket quiz)
Q.2 This bowler, who was obviously more than ready for his 300th wicket - on achieving the milestone undid his shirt buttons to show an undershirt which read "Moingi Express 300, You little beauty!" Can you tell me who is this bowler?
Q.3 Which team has effected the maximum number of dismisals through the use of a substitute fielder? ( I don't know if this gentleman was aware of this bit of statistics, but when this team's (the answer) captain not too far back in history effected yet another substitute , this gentleman we are talking about blew his fuse off. I guess he was only too right.
Q.4 The deceased Indian cricket Raman Lamba once made it to the record books for a funny reason, by his mere presence on the field - during the course of an India-England test match in England. Can you tell us how?
Q.5 The longest cricket match took place between England and South Africa in Durban. Played from March 3rd to March 14th 1939, the match was finally called off because of a reason you will now find quite hilarious. Can you guess what?
( i hope you noticed the fact that the world's longest cricket match ended in a draw!! this question i have sourced from an interesting site called, which obviously claims to be the world's longest domain name. I don't know much about the veracity of the last question and this world record claim - do forgive if the information is not quite right.